Red Ribbon Week

The Terriers celebrated Red Ribbon Week from October 28th to November 1st. Red Ribbon Week is a drug and violence prevention awareness campaign that takes place every October in the United States. It's the country's longest-running and largest drug awareness program.

On Monday, our students received red ribbons from their teachers. On Tuesday, our theme was "Drug Free and Proud"  and we show our school spirit by wearing blue and green. On Wednesday, we were "Redy" to Live a Drug Free Life" by wearing red. On Thursday, our theme was "Be a Hero, Stay Drug Free"  and we wore our favorite superhero shirts. We closed out Red Ribbon week with "Team Up Against Drugs"  day and wore a shirt of our favorite teams.

Red Ribbon WeekRed Ribbon WeekRed Ribbon WeekRed Ribbon WeekRed Ribbon WeekRed Ribbon WeekRed Ribbon Week